memtest+ grub iso 32-64

memtest+ grub iso 32-64 memtest86+ 7.00 all 32-64

Дл запуска с параметрами, в основном меню нажать "e", (следуя подсказкам внизу) и нажать Ctrl-X F10 для загрузки.

Boot Options​

An intermediate bootloader may pass a boot command line to Memtest86+. The command line may contain one or more options, separated by spaces. Each option consists of an option name, optionally followed by an = sign and one or more parameters, separated by commas. The following options are recognised:

  • nosmp
    • disables ACPI table parsing and the use of multiple CPU cores
  • nobench
    • disables the integrated memory benchmark
  • nobigstatus
    • disables the big PASS/FAIL pop-up status display
  • nosm
    • disables SMBUS/SPD parsing, DMI decoding and memory benchmark
  • nomch
    • disables memory controller configuration polling
  • nopause
    • skips the pause for configuration at startup
  • keyboard=type
    • where typeis one of
      • legacy
      • usb
      • both
  • usbdebug
    • pauses after probing for USB keyboards
  • usbinit=mode
    • where modeis one of
      • 1 = use the two-step init sequence for high speed devices
      • 2 = add a second USB reset in the init sequence
      • 3 = the combination of modes 1 and 2
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