"script": "@echo off\nsetlocal enabledelayedexpansion\nfor %%F in (*) do (\n set \"filename=%%~nxF\"\n set \"extension=%%~xF\"\n set \"foldername=%~dp0\"\n set \"foldername=!foldername:~0,-1!\"\n set \"tag=!foldername:~3!\"\n if not \"!filename:~0,12!\"==\"!tag!-\" (\n set \"datestamp=!date:~0,2!!date:~3,2!!date:~6,4!\"\n ren \"%%F\" \"!tag!-!datestamp!-%%F\"\n )\n)\nendlocal",
"description": "This .bat file script renames files in the folder where it is located. It adds a tag containing the folder name and the current date in the format ddmmyyyy. It will not affect files that already have this tag at the beginning."