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Не скажу,что моя идея, увидел когда-то на одном форуме тему такую - решил и у нас создать. Думаю и у вас будет что сказать....:)
- Как три программиста могут организовать бизнес?
- Один пишет вирусы, а другой антивирусы.
- А третий?
- Операционные системы, под которыми это все работает!;)


"Нежатся на пляже специалист по железу (Ж), программер (П) и юзер (Ю). Вдруг волна прибивает к берегу бутылку. В бутылке записка: «Помогите бедняге, заброшенному судьбой на необитаемый остров!!! Мои координаты (далее градусы широты и долготы)».
Ж: Вон на том холме пальмы. Можем построить плот и спасти его. Это недалеко.
П: Напишем ему скрипт как изготовить плот. Пускай выполняет его и спасается.
Ю: Читает записку последним, потом неожиданно рвет ее и швыряет обрывки в море.
Ж и П: Ты чего?!!
Ю: Задолбал этот спам!!! "


"ПРОГРАММЫ для рассылки СПАМА, стучите, если заинтересовало".
бывает и так
Последнее редактирование:
Дата: 25.06.09 07:18
От кого: tat-soydan@gmail.com Это не спам… В адресную книгу… В белый список…
Кому: Noaddress
Тема: (Без темы) РаспечататьВ виде HTMLСвойства письма
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by mxfront54.yandex.ru; Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:18:14 -0300
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:18:14 -0300
From: <tat-soydan@gmail.com>
Reply-To: <serg3199@gmail.com>
Message-Id: <E1MJcGd-0003zB-FP@flying.o2switch.net>
To: <pikolas@yandex.ru>
Subject: 51просмотр порно видео +без кодов 537
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азербайджанский, таджикский дэф; шаманские <a href='http://
какие ещё таджики и шаманы с порно?

ну обычно предлагают купить виагру, удлинить, извините, мягко говоря мужской орган, купить дешёвые часы, мобильники и посмотреть советские фильмы и мултьфильмы
От кого Андрианна-любовь Андриелла <aburban@kharkov.com>

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* в адресную книгу
* в белый список
* в черный список

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* в адресную книгу
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Кому ******.ru
Отправлено 8 сентября 2009 в 00:55, получено в 01:32

Таким образом, поведение реле, построенных по рассмотренной функциональной схеме, зависит от соотношения значений сравниваемых напряжений U1 и U2: реле срабатывает, если Ul > U2, и не действует, если Ul < U2. По этой схеме можно выполнить PC с характеристиками срабатывания в виде окружности, проходящей через начало координат, окружности с центром в начале координат или смещенной относительно него в I либо III квадрант комплексной плоскости, как показано на рис.11.14, а-в. На базе этой же схемы можно получить PC с эллиптической характеристикой (в виде овала). Реле сопротивления, построенные на подобном принципе, используются в ДЗ панели типа ЭПЗ-1636, выпускаемой ЧЭАЗ, и широко применяются в отечественных энергосистемах (так как более 90% ДЗ еще находятся в эксплуатации), поэтому ниже на рис.11.17 и 11.18 кратко рассматриваются конкретные схемы этих PC.Во втором случае задается значение К в выражении tнс ? Ktc.

Л я у l ч м ш d и h е и к у о k п б и н и x ч p а ц с а о ж в ж
Таким образом, поведение реле, построенных по рассмотренной функциональной схеме, зависит от соотношения значений сравниваемых напряжений U1 и U2: реле срабатывает, если Ul > U2, и не действует, если Ul < U2. По этой схеме можно выполнить PC с характеристиками срабатывания в виде окружности, проходящей через начало координат, окружности с центром в начале координат или смещенной относительно него в I либо III квадрант комплексной плоскости, как показано на рис.11.14, а-в. На базе этой же схемы можно получить PC с эллиптической характеристикой (в виде овала). Реле сопротивления, построенные на подобном принципе, используются в ДЗ панели типа ЭПЗ-1636, выпускаемой ЧЭАЗ, и широко применяются в отечественных энергосистемах (так как более 90% ДЗ еще находятся в эксплуатации), поэтому ниже на рис.11.17 и 11.18 кратко рассматриваются конкретные схемы этих PC.Во втором случае задается значение К в выражении tнс ? Ktc.
О, и мне такой приходил!!!
а я хотел запостить....
А может всех этих разсылщиков ответным спамом задолбить? Написать бота и все - все спамеры утонут в спаме(извините за тафтологию). Мне тоже регулярно приходит с предложением заказать цыганский коллектив для танцев и песен, виагра, фильмы(разные) - благо касперский тут же с сервера список выдает и я их галочками мечу и сразу удаляю, даже на комп не попадают.
Amator, железом по железу? бесполезно..

Добавлено через 1 минуту 32 секунды
Attn; Recipient,

Please be informed that the funds are coming directly from the International Monetary Funds headquarters and we are only to
pay beneficiaries once they meet their financial obligations.Also note that Western Union is not allowed to make all payment at once via western union money transfer due to the way the fund came to our headquarters and for security reasons, upon receipt of your fees and your International Remittance File purchased, you are receiving a first pay-out of $10,000 which is made into two halves which will enable you walk into any Western Union office of your choice and pick up your funds. Note that the remaining fund/payment will be made install mentally in the following order:

1. $10,000 made payable to you from the Western Union
2. $740,000 made payable to you via bank wire transfer from our designated paying bank.

Upon receipt of the fee for the purchasing of your international remittance file, you are receiving your first pay-out of

According to the Section 636(1) of the LPN CAF of the 1999 constitution regarding a contract like you will have to make the
payment of the $125.00usd so as to enable the purchasing of your inheritance file to prevent illegal transfer of your funds
or any form of hindrance.

Here are details of your money transfer of $10,000 made on your behalf but it has no receiver's name yet until you remit the
$125.00 to us before we can purchase the inheritance file with your name and put your name as the receiver below is the
information you will use to send us the fee $125.00 Via western union.

COUNTRY___________________BENIN REPUBLIC

Then after you send the money you can send the payment information to our email below.

Director; Mr.Amed Bello
E-Mail :(westeu21@ibibo.com)
Direct line: +229-989-38-786

As soon as we receive the payment of the $125.00 from you then we pick it up we well put your name as the receive and you
will go to western union and pick the money.


Amount: $5,000 USD
MTCN: 895-028-3159

Amount: $5,000 USD
MTCN: 235-375-1811

Sender’s First Name: John
Sender's Last Name: Okechukwu

You can log onto our website www.westernunion.com and track your transfer and see that your money is there but needed the
above stated fee to redirect the transfer to you for your easy pick up. Note that within 72hrs if you do not remit the
required $125.00 which has already been made ($10,000) it will be withdrawn back and remember that the money details given to
you do not bear your name as the receiver until you make the payment of the $125.00

Get back to us with our E-Mail:(westeu21@ibibo.com) with the payment information one you made the payment
and you can call on my direct line if you have any question OK.

Call for confirmation of receipt of this message on: +229-989-38-786
Have a good day.

Mike David
Western Union Payments
Привет меня зовут Эрик Стэнфорда, Transfer Manager верности банк, Северная Каролина отрасли. Я написания в отношении некоторых средств перечисление в размере 900000 долларов США, дост&#! 1080;гнутого в вашу пользу из HSBC Bank Лондоне. Мы работаем как своего банка-корреспондента на перевод денежных средств. Однако, с уведомлением мы получили в нашей системе Сеть передачи вчера, перенесенные средства, которые испытывают некоторые внутренние ошибки, которые подозреваю! т, чтобы быть вызвана из прилагаемого реквизиты банковского счета заполнены в передаче фондов ваучер. Настоящим Вам на силу неотложной необходимости подтвердить! нам следу! 02;m 7;ую информацию о вашем банковском счете в течение ближайших 24 часов, чтобы позволить нам исправить эту проблему и ваши средства зачисляются на ваш счет. Наименование банка: Адрес банка: Номер счета: IBAN код / SWIFT: Владелец счета: Спасибо за ваше сотрудничество. Эрик Стэнфордского

Классика развода на бабки.

Amator, не стоит - это противозаконно. Импортных не поймают, а Вас запросто могут.
От кого Karim Hani <karim@charity-bg.com>

Кому Noaddress
Отправлено 10 сентября 2009 в 10:48

Hello. My name is Karim Hani, an Oil & Gas merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. I have been diagnosed with cancer; I need your help in distributing my funds to charities as I have no family. Reply me on my private email (karimh02@freemail.lt) if you can help me you will take 20% out of the funds and give 80% to the local charities of your choice. Regards, Karim Hani

Добавлено через 2 минуты 30 секунд
и ещё:

От кого MyNet Lottery <winners@mynetlottery.com>

Кому Noaddress
Отправлено 9 сентября 2009 в 04:04

Good Morning,

We have been trying to contact you have won $86,000.00 in the Mynet Lottery Your Money has been sent through western union please visit western union immediately and pick up your money.

Payment Details:

Name : Jorge Antonio Ramos Jaubert
Address: 110-09 205ST, safe Haven.
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN):289-868-4482
Test Question: Relationship
Test Answer: Friend

Money Sent: 08-08-2009. 10:47am

please contact mylottery2009@yahoo.com.hk for assistance

я богат :D:D
magirus, извините, а ето что?:)

вот сегодня пришло:

Good Day!

If this business proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology. A deceased client of mine who bear exactly the same last name with you died on the 15th May 2000. He died of a heart attack as a result of new Land Act reform introduced by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, which wholly affected the rich white farmers. All they have suffered to accrued for years where taken away from them by force. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/africa/jan-june00/zimbabwe_4-21.html
I have contacted you to assist in claming the money left behind by my client before it is declared unserviceable by the bank where this deposit valued at Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,500.000.00 USD) was lodged in an Escrow Account. I seek for your consent to present you as the beneficiary to my late client, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. As all my efforts to trace my late client's relative through international data over 12 months prove abortive. Now the South African Reserve Bank has posted the $8.5M to U.S Clearing House and they will transfer the fund to the Federal Reserve Bank if i don't present next of kin in the next 21 working days.
All I require is your honest and sincere cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.
This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. I must use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinary confidential, whatever your decision might be. Contact me at once to indicate your interest with your address, phone number and full names again for me to be sure that i contacted the exact person bearing the same last name with my late client.

Barr Edward Ziemerink [ESQ]
56/A Rondebosch, Cape Town,
Rondebosch, South Africa
В общих чертах:
В этом письме некий гражданин утверждает, что его клиент (у которого точь-в-точь такие же фамилия и имя, как у вас) умер 15 мая 2000, и ему нужна парочка бумаг от вашего имени, чтобы отхватить у банка 8,5 лимонов, пока они не перешли в федеральный резерв Штатов, обойдя таким образом закон.

Письмо написано с выдержанным стилем (очень грамотно), и отправитель всячески извиняется, если вдруг этим письмом он вас оскорбил.

Учитывая дату смерти и то, что у него есть только 21 день на это "мероприятие", спам немного потерялся во времени... :)
спам немного потерялся во времени...
лет на 9 :)

magirus, теперь понятно:)
сегодня на яндех пришло еще что я у компании coca cola выиграл там несколько миллионов, потом мне western union переслали типА ТЫСЯЧИ :
Please be informed that the funds are coming directly from the International Monetary Funds headquarters and we are only to
pay beneficiaries once they meet their financial obligations.Also note that Western Union is not allowed to make all payment at once via western union money transfer due to the way the fund came to our headquarters and for security reasons, upon receipt of your fees and your International Remittance File purchased, you are receiving a first pay-out of $10,000 which is made into two halves which will enable you walk into any Western Union office of your choice and pick up your funds. Note that the remaining fund/payment will be made install mentally in the following order:

1. $10,000 made payable to you from the Western Union
2. $740,000 made payable to you via bank wire transfer from our designated paying bank.


Добавлено через 19 часов 10 минут 43 секунды

Agent & Director Robert S Mueller
The Executive Director,
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington DC, FBI Head-quarters.
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington. D.C. 20535-0001

We believe this notification meets you in a very good state of mind and
health. We at Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Washington, DC in
conjunction with some united states relevant Investigation Agencies here in
the United States of America have recently been informed via our Global
Intelligence monitoring network that you presently have a transaction going on
with the Nigerian Finance House Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as regards to
your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favor

I am going to introduce a code word to you, which you will use in contacting
the bank, because of high rate of Internet scams going on out there on the
internet and you are also advice to contact the bank only with the code word
given to you which is (IN GOD WE TRUST).

It might be on your notice to know that we have taken out time in screening
through this project as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have
finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free
from all fact and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund
without any further delay. Having said all this, we will further advise that
you go ahead in dealing with the Central Bank office accordingly as we will be
monitoring all their activities with you as well as your correspondence at all


They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some
unscrupulous elements are using this project as an avenue to Scam innocent
people off their hard earned money by impersonating the Executive Governor and
the Central Bank officials.

We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Joan C. Bailey from
OHIO has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary
documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally
by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about
US$32,700,000.00 (Thirty Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars), but the Central Bank office did the wise thing by insisting on
hearing from you personally before they go ahead on wiring your fund to the
Bank information’s which was forwarded to them by the above named Lady, so
that was the main reason why they contacted us so as to assist them in making
the investigations.

They further informed us that we should warn our dear citizens who must have
been informed of the contract payment which was awarded to them from the
Central Bank of Nigeria, to be very careful prior to these irregularities so
that they don't fall prey to this ugly circumstance anymore. And should
incase you are already dealing with anybody or office claiming to be from the
Central Bank of Nigeria, you are advised to STOP further contact with them in
your best interest and then contact immediately the real office of the Central
Bank of Nigeria (CBN) only with the below information’s accordingly:

OFFICE ADDRESS: Central Bank of Nigeria,
Tinubu Square Tinubu
Lagos - Nigeria.
Contact Email: mailcbn01@rediffmail.com
Phone Number: +234-803-227-0256

NOTE: In your best interest, any message that doesn't come from the above official
email address and phone numbers should not be replied to and should be
disregarded accordingly for security reasons. Meanwhile, we will advise that
you contact the Central Bank office immediately with the above email address
and request that they attend to your payment file as directed so as to enable
you receive your contract fund accordingly.

Ensure you follow all their procedure as may be required by them as that will
further help hasten up the whole procedures as regards to the transfer of your
fund to you as designated. Also have in mind that the Central Bank of Nigeria
equally has their own protocol of operation as stipulated on their banking
terms. Once again, we will advise that you contact them with the above email
address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which
they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you accordingly.

All modalities has already been worked out even before you were contacted and
note that we will be monitoring all your dealings with them as you proceed so
you don't have anything to worry about. All we require from you henceforth is
an update so as to enable us be on track with you and the Central Bank of
Nigeria.. Without wasting much time, will want you to contact them immediately
with the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case
accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out.

In case you need any more information in regards with this notification, feel
free to get back to us so that we can brief you more as we are here to guide
you during and after this project has been completely perfected and you have
received your contract fund as stated.

You are only advice to respond to only e-mail that has the given code word,
which is (IN GOD WE TRUST)

Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we
earnestly await your urgent response to this matter.

Regards from FBI Director
Agent & Director Robert S Mueller
The Executive Director,
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington DC, FBI Head-quarters.
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington. D.C. 20535-0001

ну вот уже директора фбр пишут :)
I am George Harrison , 49 years old and good looking man,and I am in London,United Kingdom. I have B.SC in Public Administration and I work with Cash Point finance and securities,UK. I have now developed the interest in having a business investment outside LONDON without my employers knowing about it. Hence I contacted you for friendship and business relationship. The fund in question proposed for this project is US$37.8million (Thirty Seven Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars Only), which I will like you to receive on my behalf and to invest it in your business or in any business that you think will be profitable in your country.

Please Note: This fund came as a result of a multi-national company that we helped to secure an oil drilling contract some years ago. Because of our interest, the contract was over-invoiced to the above mentioned amount and after the contract, the company received their actual contract sum and went back to their country leaving behind this over-inflated sum for me and my colleagues to claim. Now the time has come for me to process and move the fund out for investment, but I can not do it on my own since I am still working with the Cash Point finance and securities,UK. This is why I need your help so that I can use you or your company to process the release of the fund as if you are reciving a payment of an executed contract.

Please let me know about yourself/company and also let me know if you can be able to receive the money on my behalf and invest it in your company or any good and profitable business in your country without exposing me, so that we can commence with the process of transfer.
All you need to send immediately is your FULL NAMES or COMPANY NAME and your TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS. Your share will be 30% for your assistance, while I will take 65% and 5% will take care of any expenses that will be incurred in the cause of transfer. Please write back if only you know you are capable enough to execute this project with me. Please this transaction requires utmost confidentiality.
Looking forward to your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
George Harrison

ну и конечно, сообщения от фбр :
visit me in my office today or tomorrow Because i dont think i have time for this childish play in this matter as you yours self knows my position. I'm Robert S. Mueller Dir. FBI.


TEL/FAX 202 386 6756
Website: www.fbi.gov

Добавлено через 20 часов 23 минуты 24 секунды
Dear Sergei,

I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred to a Swiss Account with the cooperation of a new partner from England who is an international business man.

Presently I'm in England for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile, I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that itfailed us some how that is why I decided to compensate you.

Now contact my secretary, his contact:
Name: Terry Hills
Email: dr.terryhills@gmail.com

Ask him to send you the total $800,000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand
United State Dollars) which I kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter.

I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So feel free and get in touched with my secretary Roland Bekham and instruct him where to send the Money to you. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the sufferness at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and the new partner are having at hand.

Finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to my secretary on your behalf to receive that money, so feel free to get
in touch with Terry Hills and he will send the amount to you without any delay. You can as well call me for more discussion.


Dr.Raynald Gagnon.

спамеры уже моё имя знают, караул!:D

Oceanic Bank International Plc.
Address:plot 270 Ozumba Mbadiwe,
Victoria Island, Lagos.
Director, Debit Card.
Dept.Special Payment Scheme.
From: Mr Adewale Bright.
Telephone: +234-8027598236
Amount: US$5.5 Million


This is to officially inform you that ATM card number: 3774 2856 7847 9006
worth Five Million Five Hundred Thousand($5.5 Million usd) has been
credited in your favor in bid to compensate you on your contract payment
since you are next on our inheritance file for the second part of this
fiscal Year 2009.The card centre will send you an ATM CARD which you will
use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINE in the world.

Your personal identification is ATM- 7997. Contact the verification
officer Mr Adewale Bright on: (atmcard.department101@gmail.com) with the
following for proper verification and claim processing: Call him
immidiately for confirmation.+234-802759***

You are also required to send to the verification officer/agent a means of
Identification which should be a scan copy of your Driver's License or
International Passport for proper verification and authentication.

Mr Adewale Bright

Excel Securities Company
Abidjan – Plateau R?publique de C?te d'Ivoire
01 BP 1874 Abidjan 01, C?te d'Ivoire
Contact Person: Dr Michael Williams (Director)
Phone: +225 08057047

Hello how are you doing today. I wanted you to know that the funds was released
from Ivory Coast and now in ATLANTA Georgia. It was carried by our diplomat Mr. Mark Chaka Chaka And
the funds is now in ATLANTA Georgia in USA at the present time. The funds are now
lying with the diplomat who brought the funds from Ivory Coast to ATLANTA Georgia. The
diplomat doesn’t know the content of what is in the consignment he brought to
USA. On the documents that were given out to him he was told the consignment
contains industrial items and documents. So please do not let him know the
content of the consigment. Till its delivered to you and opened by you. You will
be given the passcode to open the consignment box as soon as we comfirm its had
been delivered and signed by you.

When contacting him don’t let him know that the consignment contains
Money, which he had brought to USA.

You will be contacting the diplomat for the delivery of the consignment to you.
Below its his contact information’s. You give him a call and let him know your
location so that the consignment can be delivered to you.
You also send to him your contact phone number and address with the below email.

Name: Mr. Mark Chaka Chaka
Email: markchaka@live.com
Phone: +12067017501

When contact him you send him your address and phone number You give him a call.
Its important you give him a call. If you have any Question you can only reach
me on +225 08057047 or send me an email on michealwilliams@gala.net


какие все хорошие, мне денги шлют :D
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If you are receiving this message it means that your email address has been queued for deactivation; this was as a result of a continuous error script (code:505)received from this email address. To resolve this problem you must reset your email address. In order to reset this email address, you must reply to this e-mail by providing us the following Information for confirmation.

Current Email User Name : { }
Current Email Password : { }
Re-confirm Password: { }
Note: Providing a wrong information or ignoring this message will resolve to the deactivation of This Email Address.

You will continue to receive this warning message periodically till your email address is been reset or deactivated.
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